Tuesday, July 17, 2007

So, Where's Molly?


As the posts have come together so eloquently and the pictures have been uploaded, some have asked, "So, where's Molly?" I can answer that question! Generally, Brendan has taken visitors to the property while I have been either too pregnant to get around on the uneven terrain or tending to a newborn. Eleanor will often be napping while the visits occur as well. Other times, the family has taken a drive out to visit the land after Sunday Mass. Sometimes we just drive out there, roll down the van windows, and listen. Ahhh. We hear nothing except chirping birds and quiet breezes--a wonderful thing compared to the air brakes of large vehicles stopping at the intersection of 242 and Foley or the loud buzz of motorcycles driven by burley men with no helmets--gasp!! So, Brendan will trudge around taking pictures while I discuss with the children whether they deserve lunch at McDonald's after their behavior during Mass embarrassed the entire family and required the help of the kind people in the pew behind us to make it through the communion line.

While Brendan studies church architecture and discusses with his brother the viewpoints from each room, rest assured that I will be making my case for a flushable toddler toilet (may I never dump out and bleach a plastic potty again), a pantry with lots of storage for the large kitchen appliances, and my own personal jacuzzi bathtub that when full actually covers a pregnant belly. And yes, Grandma Jeanie, the kitchen should be near the entry to simplify the process of unloading groceries and the laundry room close to the bedrooms to avoid the giant step over the clothes piles on the stairs and the claim of "I didn't see them there."

In all honesty, though, our entire family feels very blessed to begin this process of building a home in which to raise the souls of the children God has entrusted to us--and those yet to come! I have already imagined Clara telling her sisters "let's put on our tutus, move all of our beds 'togeller' and leave all of this space for our princess ballroom." And spitfire Eleanor will of course say, "Don't be so bossy." I imagine our family prayer time in our chapel after mealtime and Aidan requesting a "decade of 'De-bine Mercy." And Baby Max will be a bouncing 2 1/2-year-old by then, and still likely the most well-behaved child to grace our family. So, may the Lord be with us as we seek to do His will in all things and may we truly live "Ecclesia Domestica."


  1. God bless you! We've been there, done that here in Arizona! It is truly a joy to design and build your own home to reflect how a Catholic family should try to live. (We even built ours out of strawbales to be more Franciscan!) http://somuchstraw.blogspot.com/

    I look forward to watching your labors- ours took 15 months! But it was all worth it!

  2. Thanks for your comment! Your blog looks great, and you have a beautiful family!

  3. Love this blog....we built our dream house 9 years ago and now I wish I had incorrporated a personal chapel space into the plan.

    I do have one piece of advice. A mudroom....a VERY BIG mudroom!!!! Ours is medium-ish but has proved invaluable. Good luck and God Bless!

  4. Thanks for the advice! I'm a bit worried we'll miss something that would've been invaluable in the home--especially when trying to keep things organized with a large family. We do have some plans for a mudroom/entry/storage. Thanks again for the tip!

  5. If you are hiring a contractor then I will pass on the best piece of advice I can give and was given to me:

    When meeting with your contractor for the walk-throughs ( and I did one each day ) write down everything you talked about, have his sign it and make a copy for them. It proved invaluable when something changed and something didn't get passed on properly. I never got charged for the mix-ups because I could always proved we had talked about it. Saved us a ton of money in the long run.

    Also, keep your sense of humor, especially with your spouse...and remember, unlike some renovations, house building has a beginning middle and finally an END!

