Thursday, January 29, 2009

Christmas pic of our kids, and more...


A number of people have said to us how much they liked our Christmas picture of our kids, so I thought I'd post it here. We didn't have time after Henry's funeral to do anything formal, so we took this in haste right around Christmas and used it in our yearly Christmas letter. From the left are Aidan (4), Maximilian (20 mo.), Eleanor (3), and Clara (6).

Eleanor's smile got caught in a weird pose, but you never can get them all smiling perfectly at the same time, can you?

Now, due to Max's cuteness in this picture, I had to follow up by doing some further graphical editing. I'm sure you've all seen this iconic poster used by the Obama campaign, below.

It's kind of a graphical propaganda classic now, and a website has sprung up that allows you to put your own photo and message in a similar graphic ( Max clearly needs his own piece of propaganda in order launch his nefarious plan to become the leader of the free-world (in the year 2060).


  1. I'd vote for him (even if he wasn't my grandson!)

  2. I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you with the loss of your son. I found your blog from Rachel's. We too had a stillborn son, Samuel, also our
    5th child born Oct. 30, 2008. It is a hard road to travel, but made easier by the Lord's grace each day. We will continue to think of your sweet family. Much love... take it one step at a time.

  3. Sara,
    Thank you for your prayers. Our prayers will be with your family as well. We have been amazed at how quickly grieving families have been able to connect with one another. May you find the strength to trust in God's divine providence for your family, despite your deep sorrow.
