Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New construction schedule


Sorry for the low post volume, unfortunately there hasn't been as much to update on lately. As you may have seen in one of my comments on a previous post, the finish date (or at least the move-in date) has been delayed from the original plan of early February due to the cold weather, window delivery delay, and also a delay in getting the house roof spray-foam insulation done so that the heat can be turned on. This probably isn't a surprise, and you can see by my latest pictures in previous posts that there's obviously no way we would be able to move in by early February. That said, our new "ready for move-in" date is March 16, and even that I would say is tentative based on some further delays in getting the roof insulation done (which has to do with an inspector who isn't as knowledgeable on this type of construction and is having to be walked through the process before he'll approve to move forward).

Here's the latest schedule I have (click either section to enlarge):

There are some things, like the driveway and exterior painting, that have to wait for warmer weather in May, but we'll be able to move in after the "final cleaning" date before those delayed items.

In the mean time, while we wait for the roof insulation to be completed, expect some other interesting posts on the fireplace that we selected (along with the installation design) and a traditional blessing that Molly and the kids did of our doorways on the feast of the Epiphany.

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