Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Autumn!


Somewhat predictably, now that we're past the open house I've kind of ramped down on the blogging. With such a busy house it's not a priority, but, although posting will be less frequent, we hope to keep it going for a while.  This is our first Autumn in the new house and I thought I'd post a few pictures of the tree colors and the kids enjoying the leaves (some from a few weeks ago). We hope you are enjoying the season as well!

Aidan and Maximilian (we're big Vikings fans of course, and both have a little Percy Harvin jerseys :-)

Three of our kids and two of our nephews having a leaf fight...

Eleanor on her new scooter, a present for her fifth birthday September 27th...

Clara and Francis...

And lastly, happy Feast of All Saints eve! From left to right we have St. Martin of Tours, St. Martha, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, and of course St. Maximilian Kolbe.


  1. How beautiful!! And the children are adorable having fun with the leaves....God bless you all and have a lovely Thanksgiving in your new home! Gabrielle

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
