You might remember that I designed a grave marker for our son Henry late last year (see this post). Since then the marker has been created by a company near St. Cloud, MN, with Minnesota granite, and now that the ground has completely thawed the marker has recently been installed. We hadn't been able to see the completed marker until the first time we went to see it at the cemetery, but praise God it turned out just like we had thought it should.
Here was my original design...

Here's a close-up of the left-hand side...
(It was raining and cold, so Aidan, Max, and Francis were in the van when I took the pic above)
It is a great relief to finally have this marker in place and to know it will always be there from now on.
Molly, it turned out great... beautiful!
Another reminder of God's peace, to have it installed and a permanent marker. May visiting Henry's grave be a comfort to you all!
It turned out beautifully! What a wonderful marker. Which company did you go with? We live near St Cloud and are trying to figure out who to have make the marker for our Sanjay. God bless.
Hi Karla, off the top of my head I'm not positive on the name of the company. The church cemetery uses this company as supplier for all of the memorial stones and so the only time I saw the name of the company was when filling out paperwork. I'll keep and eye out for any of the paperwork we used and send you the name if I can find it. God bless you! Sanjay pray for us!
My daughter Cara mentioned you and set me your link. I have enjoyed your art work written and painted. It has brought tears to my eyes.I am a Grandmother who paints. Most of my paintings involve people, especially children playing on the beach, landscapes and things I think about. I have enjoyed and appreciated all your work that I have seen today. Thank you. You are truly blessed. my e-mail is Hopping2002@hotmail.com Susan Gould
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